Illegal value. Missing ( Beyond string. Data type mismatch. Operator/operand type mismatch. Missing ) Compiled code for this line too long. Too many PROCEDURES. A READ is currently in effect. Unknown function key. Total label width exceeds maximum allowable size. Error in label field definition. Label field type must be character, numeric, or date. Internal error: Too many characters in report. Syntax error in field expression. Improper data type in group expression. Not a Character expression. Wrong number of parameters. No PARAMETER statement found. Memory Variable file is invalid. Not suspended. Structure invalid. Subscript out of bounds. Statement not allowed in interactive mode. Must be an array definition. Missing operand. Too many arguments. Too few arguments. Invalid database number. Missing expression. Must be a file variable. Must be a memory variable. Invalid subscript reference. Invalid variable reference. Unrecognized command verb. Required clause not present in command. Invalid character in command. Unrecognized phrase/keyword in command. Too many fields for read. Picture error in GET statement. Report file invalid. Label file invalid. Endtext without text. Mismatched case structure. Structure nesting too deep. If/else/endif mismatch. Do nesting too deep. Line too long. Illegal macro substitution. Illegal macro name. Recursive macro definition.